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Friday, July 24, 2009

Evicting Bad Tenants is Better Than Empty Units

Everyone that owns a number of rental homes or runs apartment complexes knows that bad tenants come with the territory, and no matter how well you screen renters, eventually the odds are you will get the renter from hell. But what constitutes a bad tenant you ask? Well, this means different things for different property managers. But let me explain a few of the horror scenarios that could definitely classify as bad tenants.

Renters that constantly writer Bad Checks, are one very problematic type of renter, but there are some that are quite worse. For instance individuals lawbreakers, and drugs use, worse those who grow or manufacture drugs in your property. If you are not careful and do not immediately report or work with police you can have your properties confiscated.

Then there are problematic-renters which will abuse the system, making it hard for you to evict them, while they stop paying, file a lawsuit, or threaten to file lawsuits. Often, the renters will turn you into code enforcement, making false claims. Or they might constantly call on electrical, plumbing, air-conditioning, etc., present you with bills, and fail to pay rents, destroying your cash flow.

Bad-tenants also can be those that end up destroying your property, perhaps they have large dogs in backyard that dig under the fence and tear up the lawn, causing broken patio furniture. Or maybe they park cars on the lawn, create huge oil stains on the driveway.

Many property managers that rent furnished tell of abuse to appliances, furniture, and even broken fences, toilets, and when the renters from hell leave, they often steal things that are not bolted to the ground or perhaps, are. Please consider all this before you buy and then rent or lease income property.


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