This does not mean that you need to give them a discount on rent or allow them to pay late, or in any way allow them to break the contract they have with you. Rather, it is important that you listen, repeat back to them their complaint, understand their feelings, hold your ground, and then offer solutions that might be appropriate. It's also nice to give them a few choices and let them make a decision.
If it is a rather simple complaint and something you can handle very quickly it makes sense to go and do that. If the complaint is about another tenant it makes sense to hear both sides of the issue before you run and tell the other tenant knock it off. You should not take sides between renters.
If you field the tenant complaints correctly and are quite responsive and calling them back in addressing their concerns; you will prevent lawsuits, and the complaints from ending up at a local government agency, which will only cause future grief, cost you money, waste more of your time, and perhaps even lead to additional fees or violations.
There is a right way and wrong way to handle complaints, and the most important thing you must remember is to take action quickly in addressing their concerns, even if in the end you choose to do nothing. Please consider all this.
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