One bedroom rentals in this corridor have a median rent of $738/mo and Section 8 is paying $813/mo to Sacramento property management companies. The average square footage of Elk Grove one bedroom homes are 1090 sq. ft and there are around 50 rentals. The average square footage and median rent achieve a $/Sqft of $0.68.
Two bedroom reantal homes in Elk Grove corridor have a median rent of $895/mo and Section 8 is paying $992/mo to Sacramento property management companies. The average square footage for two bedroom rentals is 1115sq. ft and there is 250+ rentals. The sq footage and rent achieve a $/Sqft of $0.80.
Three bedroom rentals in this corridor have a median rent of $1300/mo and Section 8 is paying $1431/mo. The average square footage for the three bedroom rentals are 1383 sq. ft and there are 600+ rentals. The average square footage and median rent achieve a $/Sqft of $0.94.
Four bedroom rental homes in Elk Grove corridor have a median rent of $1513/mo and Section 8 is paying $1641/mo. The average square footage for the four bedroom rentals are 1977 sq. ft and there are 500+ rentals. The sq footage and rent achieve a $/Sqft of $0.77.
The typical household in Elk Grove earns $60,000 and the vacancy rate is 1.9%. The key rent monthly amount for affordability is around $1516/mo. While this corridor has had the lowest rent amount by square foot, it has had the lowest vacancy rate and highest affordability. These factors should offset any concern about the dollar per square foot.
Sacramento property management can be used to optimize your important real estate investment and you should identify a property management company that is proactive, identifies problems quickly, and can correct them before it destroys your cash flow.
At Equity Plus Real Estate Services, we leverage the power of technology, market knowledge and superior service to create a real estate experience unparalleled to anyone. We handle all aspects of managing your real estate investments to ensure to obtain the maximum cash flow and equity from your property.
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