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Monday, August 3, 2009

7 Things Every Landlord and Property Manager You Should Never Say in a Craigslist Rental Ad

It's a shame that many property managers and landlords don?t know that the federal and local Fair Housing laws applies to them. Some don't even know what the Fair Housing laws are and how to apply them.

Also, they may have heard of these laws but fail to comply with them for various reasons. What may seem like a routine and innocent free classified rental ad posted to Craigslist can morph into a real financial disaster.

If you intentionally or accidentally discriminate against a protected class of renters you could be taken to court and sued. As you know this is a costly proposition, it doesn't matter if you win or loose, a complaint can lead to financial ruin.

Complying with housing laws and guidelines can be very gray and understanding how to apply the rules and regulations can be frustrating.

Fortunately, these guidelines are fairly easy and simple to comply with. Once you know them and learn how to comply with them, you shouldn't have any housing or legal issues or problems.

When posting your classified rental advertisement on Craigslist don't say anything that can be perceived as discriminating against a prospective renter. There are many protected classes of renters that you need to pay special attention to. Here are the 7 federally protected types of renters you need avoid discriminating against.

1. Race
2. Color
3. Religion
4. Sex
5. National Origin
6. Handicapped
7. Familial Status

If you avoid pictures of people and avoid discriminating against renters then you shouldn't have any problem. Focusing on your rental property's benefits and your unique selling proposition is the direction you want to take when advertising on Craigslist.


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